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Saturday, October 30, 2010

What’s Next in C#?

Microsoft announced the Visual Studio Async CTP, which shows one of the major features Microsoft plan to include in a future release of C# and Visual Basic. 
This feature makes development of asynchronous applications--which include everything from desktop applications with responsive UI to sophisticated web applications--much easier.

The future release will introduce two new keywords to the C# language: await and async. The await keyword is used to mark asynchronous calls, so that you don’t need to create callback functions anymore and can write code in the same way as if it were synchronous. The compiler will do all of the heavy lifting for you. The async keyword must be presented in the signature of the method that makes asynchronous calls. Briefly, you can use the await keyword only if the async keyword is in the method signature. The same is true for lambda expressions.

Let us wait and see....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Service Oriented HTML Application (SOHA)

Service Oriented HTML Application's:
 SOHA decouples the front end from service, backend service is presentation agnostic business logics and provides data access, web server serves static HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Assets files without any server pages generating HTML, and on the client side, DOM is built out based on Ajax data, creating rich interactivities without the dependency on browser plugin.
It  shows the power of jQuery to creating and changing different user preferences and layout/themes without the help of server page (ASP, ASP.NET MVC, JSP, PHP, Ruby on Rails, ColdFusion, etc.), it dynamically loads HTML, CSS and JavaScript at runtime on demand. These are the fundamentals for building SOHA - Service Oriented HTML Application - all by static files on the web server.
Since there is no role reserved for server page technologies and client browser plugin in SOHA.
Key concepts and principles of SOHA are:
  • High scalability web tier: no HTML generated from server, web tier just serves static files;
  • Maximize application reach-ness: no dependency on browser plug-ins, open to next generation of web standards (HTML5, CSS3, etc.), accessible by all browsers and internet-enabled devices;
  • Services logic and data access tier stay presentation agnostic;
  • Leverage client side processes: application views will be generated in the client, no server side application logic needed for presentation tier, rich visuals and inter activities are enabled by web standards
  • SOA: all dynamic data are retrieved from data service via Ajax, client/server interaction are performed by Ajax calls rather than post back to page itself;
  • Clean separation of concerns: service logic just focus on business logic rather than rendering needs; Web server just serves static HTML/CSS/JS files; client side controller (JS) handles user inter activities and Ajax calls, also manipulates DOM; all application Views are controlled by CSS and static HTML serves as model template;
  • Simplified Application common tasks: dynamic CSS/scripts/HTML loading, secure static HTML based navigation, static page book marking and redirecting, page to page data transferring, extends Ajax API, etc.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Partitioning in SQL Server 2008

Hi friends,

I  came across one good article regarding table partition  and I would like to share the same...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Architecture : Design pattern : Model View Controller vs Model View Presenter vs Model View View Model [WPF]

MVC vs. MVP vs. MVVM

An important FAQ. The answer actually depends on where the person is coming from. MVC is a fundamental pattern which has been tweaked quite a bit to fit into various platforms. For instance if you had asked anybody how to implement an MVC in ASP.NET (prior to release of ASP.NET MVC framework) you would get very different answers. So let’s start with basic. The common motivation behind all 3 is separation of concerns, cutting flab from UI (good for UI designers), swapping UIs (for instance windows to web), make UI easy for Unit Testing, etc. Have a look at the below diagram, I have taken it from CAB documentation.


MVC: Three components – View (your UI), Model (your business entities / data – that view is displaying) & Controller (contains the logic that alters the model depending on the action triggered by UI, typically implementing a Use Case). It’s widely known that MVC is a compound pattern (View and Controller have Strategy implementation, View itself can be a Composite implementation & View and Model are synched through Observer). In this case Controller doesn’t know anything about View, and the idea is that a View can switch Controllers (for instance depending upon who has logged to the system) & a single controller can be used by multiple Views. View subscribes to the changes done to the model & hence both are sync from the data perspective. One of the disadvantages of MVC is that it’s difficult to unit test. Controller manipulates the data but how about asserting those changes from a view perspective. For instance on click of a button you raise an event to controller, and controller modifies the value in model. This value modification changes the font size / color in View. Unit testing this scenario is slightly difficult in MVC.

MVP: Again three components. But dependencies change (look at arrows in the diagram). Over here we replace Controller with Presenter (one which presents the changes done in model back to view). The main difference between both is that Presenter refers back to the view while Controller doesn’t. Normal pattern found here is to create an abstraction of the View (in terms of properties / events) & Presenter refers to it. This makes the mocking of View much easier & hence the Unit Testing aspect. Presenter here hence takes the responsibility of not only manipulating model but also updating the view. Of course the implementations of MVP differ in real world in terms of how much thin the view is, some prefer keeping basic logic still inside view & taking complex logic in presenter, while others prefer keeping the entire logic in Presenter. Martin fowler describes 2 variations on MVP on these lines namely – Supervising Controller & Passive View described below

(A Passive View handles this by reducing the behavior of the UI components to the absolute minimum by using a controller that not just handles responses to user events, but also does all the updating of the view. This allows testing to be focused on the controller with little risk of problems in the view.

Supervising Controller uses a controller both to handle input response but also to manipulate the view to handle more complex view logic. It leaves simple view behavior to the declarative system, intervening only when effects are needed that are beyond what can be achieved declaratively.)


MVVM: Model–View-ViewModel talks of creating a new model (in addition to your domain model). This model normally adds additonal properties from the prespective of View (as we understand that View has controls in addition to data which it’s displaying). For instance if View had a property IsChecked and Presenter was setting in classic MVP, in MVVM Presenter will have that IsChecked Property which View will sync up with (doesn’t it look like Strategy pattern has been replaced with Observer?). So now a Presenter becomes more like a combo of – View Properties & Model properties which would be synchronized with View. So why not rename Presenter to ViewModel? Do that and you get MVVM. MVVM is attractive for platforms which support bi-directional binding with less effort. Also a minor tradeoff is ViewModel unlike Presenter can stand on its own (Presenter normally requires a View’s interface). Martin fowler describes similar pattern called Presentation Model & Josh Smith captures MVVM implementation for WPF / Silverlight in this article.

ASP.NET MVC: So what has MVC got to do with ASP.NET MVC? First, Web works on a different model. Here, user interacts with HTML in browser and send a request back to the server for processing (for client side Ajax you might go just for data). As the interaction is normally stateless, when the request comes back to the server we need to recreate our View, load the model back & manipulate both of them as required. There are 2 variations on how handle this recreation – Page Controller & Front Controller. Make Page the decision maker – in this widely implemented pattern HTTP request is specific to physical page on server (.aspx for instance) & page in turn creates itself (builds the view from postback data) decides what model it needs and triggers the manipulation (events in codebehind file) it requires. As you see here the distinction between View & Controller becomes blur & is little difficult to separate. This where ASP.NET MVC comes in which behaves like a Front Controller – where Controller is the decision maker. Here all HTTP requests are mapped to methods on the Controller Class. Controller class recreates the model & view as required and does the manipulations. This makes unit testing easier as we can directly instantiate the front controller class & invoke methods on it to perform the assertions.

I can add code snippets to above explanations if you feel they would help you understand things better. I will look forward to your comments .

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone Released

Earlier today we shipped the beta of the Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools.  You can download them here.

What is included in the Windows Phone Developer Tools

The Windows Phone Developer Tools Beta includes:
  • Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone – a new free, express edition of Visual Studio 2010
  • Express Blend for Windows Phone – a new free, edition of Blend focused on Windows Phone 7 development
  • Silverlight for Windows Phone 7
  • XNA Game Studio for Windows Phone 7
Integrated with the development tools is a phone emulator that enables you to easily develop and test Windows Phone 7 applications on your laptop or desktop machine – without requiring a phone device.  It is hardware accelerated, supports multi-touch events on multi-touch capable monitors, and provides a really easy way to debug and try out your phone applications.

Devices for Developers

In addition to testing applications within the emulator, we are also this month starting to ship pre-release phones to developers.  You can learn more about this program and sign-up to receive one from this blog post from the Windows Phone 7 team.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Entity Framework and [Tier & Layer]

First understand...Different between  Layers and tiers
Before going any further, though, let me clarify the difference that exists between two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably - layer and tier. 

Not that using layer and tier interchangeably is a mistake per se in all situations - and, frankly, I often use these terms as they were synonyms. Fact is, however, they are not synonyms. 

A layer refers to pieces of software that are logically separated, but typically live within the same process and machine. 

A tier, instead, refers to pieces of software that live in distinct processes or AppDomains or machines. You can allocate a layer on a tier but not vice versa. You can have multiple layers on the same tier. A tier refers to physical separation; a layer is about logical separation. So if you take it literally a business tier is a distinct server where you run the code that forms the business logic. 

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So the Entity Framework Project...

Entity Framework is often presented as an O/RM tool. Not certainly a wrong statement, but there's more I believe. My idea is that EF was not devised to be a classic O/RM like NHibernate and other commercial tools. The point here is not determining whether this was the right or wrong approach; fact is, that in my opinion the word "framework" says a lot about the original intentions and the changes introduced on the fly with EF4.
EF takes you to create or infer an abstract model (the EDMX file) based on which the visual designer will actually create source files for recognized entities and relationships. In v1, you had no control over the generation of files. The auto-generated files define classes that inherit from EF provided classes thus leaving the entire object model dependent on the Entity Framework assemblies.
When EF auto-generates source code for entities in the model it puts in the same layer entities and the gateway object to the persistence layer. As I see things, this is an even bigger issue. EF4 doesn't solve it in a clear way; it only leaves you some room for manipulating the project so that entities and gateway object (the object context class) end up in distinct assemblies you can deploy to distinct tiers if necessary. The following class does logically belong to the data access layer, not to the business layer.

This means that when you use EF to create the assembly for the domain logic and entities you should manage to move this class to a distinct project. Just impossible to do in EF1, this can be done only with some tricks in EF4 and only if you choose to go with POCO or self-tracking entities. (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1: A project where EF context object has been moved to the DAL project.

A project where EF context object has been moved to the DAL project.
Figure 1 shows a Visual Studio solution made of two distinct assemblies - Model and DAL - built from the same source EDMX designer file. The Model assembly incorporates the EDMX item and the POCO artifact item generator. (Same if you use Self-tracking entities.) The item generator produces two T4 template files - context and entities. The T4 template for the context produces the object context object specific for the model; the other T4 template produces the entity classes. By default, both T4 templates belong to the same assembly. To keep them separate - entities are business, context is DAL - create a new project for the DAL and add to it the existing context T4 file as a link. You choose "Add existing item" from the project context menu, locate the context T4 file and add it as a link, as in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Adding an existing item as a link.

Adding an existing item as a link.
Visual Studio will process again the T4 template and add auto-generated files to the current project.
It turns out that Entity Framework oversimplifies the creation of layered applications mixing together elements that logically belongs to the data access layer with entities which clearly belong to the business layer.


Is everything wrong with EF, even in version 4? EF4 is significantly better than v1 and for a number of reasons. At the end of the day, there begin to be features in EF4 that, properly used, can enable some sort of tool-assisted, domain-driven design in .NET. These features, however, are not yet fully integrated in the designer and the framework itself. I'm referring to the T4 machinery discussed earlier but also to the upcoming Code First feature. EF1 could be used only in a very limited number of realistic scenarios. EF4 is much more widely usable, but you need to be aware of a number of things and pay attention to place the right boundaries between your layers and tiers. Looking forward for the next EF...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Multi-Tier Architecture !!

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When talking about multi-tiered architectures, we need to remember that the tier boundary is significant. The tier boundary is where distribution happens and if you remember the “fallacies of distributed computing“, you know not to take that lightly.
A tier is a physical boundary (versus, for example, an Edge in a SOA which is a logical boundary within the service). The implications of that are numerous. For instance, you need to consider:

WCF Multi-tier Services Development with LINQ
  • Trust–who do you let in?
  • Security–what do you send out?
  • Performance–you need to serialize to pass the boundary, and remote data is expensive to fetch.
  • Availability–what happens if you crash?
  • Manageability–can anyone see what’s your state? Help you recover?
  • Temporal coupling–can you afford to make synchronous calls?
  • and many similar questions.
Yet many times people think passing a tier is as simple as passing a logical layer. I should know. I made this stupid mistake more than 4 years ago in one of the first distributed systems I designed when I was work in Benchmark Softec Pvt LTD. I planned this beautiful separation of the UI controls from the business logic (I didn’t know it was called “MVC” and that someone else had figured it out ages ago, so I was pretty proud of myself). When you clicked on a button you just used metadata to say that BL should catch it. I had all this wonderful “infrastructure”that handled passing the call to its destination.
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But then we wanted to take this n-layer application and put the BL in an “application server” which will handle multiple clients. Oh–now we need to move events over the wire , handle calls from multiple unrelated clients, pass a lot of data back and forth, and what about security… you can imagine the fiasco.
Thus, as Niels Bohr once said, “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.” But you don’t have to make the same mistakes. Just remember that a tier is a natural boundary. You know what? You should think of a tier as the  edge of a cliff, right there – at the end of your application. You know you want to be careful and not  fall down.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What is Denali ? - SQL Server 2011

“What is Denali?”
Denali is code name of SQL Server 2011.
Here is the list of the code name of other versions of SQL Server.
In 1988, Microsoft released its first version of SQL Server. It was developed jointly by Microsoft and Sybase for the OS/2 platform.
  • 1993 – SQL Server 4.21 for Windows NT
  • 1995 – SQL Server 6.0, codenamed SQL95
  • 1996 – SQL Server 6.5, codenamed Hydra
  • 1999 – SQL Server 7.0, codenamed Sphinx
  • 1999 – SQL Server 7.0 OLAP, codenamed Plato
  • 2000 – SQL Server 2000 32-bit, codenamed Shiloh (version 8.0)
  • 2003 – SQL Server 2000 64-bit, codenamed Liberty
  • 2005 – SQL Server 2005, codenamed Yukon (version 9.0)
  • 2008 – SQL Server 2008, codenamed Katmai (version 10.0)
  • 2010 – SQL Server 2008 R2, Codenamed Kilimanjaro (aka KJ)
  • Next – SQL Server 2011, Codenamed Denali
Any guesses what should be the next version after 2011 should be codenamed?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Windows Azure Platform Training Kit - June Update..

Windows Azure Platform Training Kit - June Update

Let us see.. How it is........

Microsoft released an update to its Azure training kit.
Here is what is new in the kit:
  • Introduction to Windows Azure - VS2010 version
  • Introduction To SQL Azure - VS2010 version
  • Introduction to the Windows Azure Platform AppFabric Service Bus - VS2010 version
  • Introduction to Dallas - VS2010 version
  • Introduction to the Windows Azure Platform AppFabric Access Control Service - VS2010 version
  • Web Services and Identity in the Cloud
  • Exploring Windows Azure Storage VS2010 version + new Exercise: “Working with Drives”
  • Windows Azure Deployment VS2010 version + new Exercise: “Securing Windows Azure with SSL”
  • Minor fixes to presentations – mainly timelines, pricing, new features etc.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Enhancement in ASP.NET 4.0

As we all of know Meta description (META description tag) is very significant for SEO point of view. The META Description Tag is a vital part which identifies a page and search engines take this META tag very sincerely. To improve the search relevancy of pages is to make sure you always put relevant “keywords” and “description” <meta> tags within the<head> section of your HTML.

<head runat="server">
    <title>SEO Demo</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Page keywords." />
    <meta name="keywords" content="ASP.NET 4, SEO enhancements." />
In ASP.NET 4.0, one of the notable enhancements is the addition of two new properties to the Page class:- MetaKeywords and MetaDescription. These put the “keywords” and “description” <meta> tags within the <head> section of the page automatically.

When Useful?

This is particularly useful where your web site are using master-pages – and the section ends up in a .master file. You can now set the new MetaKeywords andMetaDescription properties in the .aspx page and their values will be automatically rendered by the section within the master page.

Using MetaKeywords and MetaDescription properties

You can directly define Meta Keywords and Meta Description through @Page attribute as-

Or you can also define the same programmatically in the Page_Load event of the Page class as-

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.Page.MetaKeywords = "Page key words";
        this.Page.MetaDescription = "Page description";
From both of the above options, the markup gets rendered in the web browser as-

   <title>SEO Demo</title>
   <meta name="description" content="Page description" />
   <meta name="keywords" content="Page key words" />
One important point should be noted that if you set the values programmatically, values set declaratively in either the section or via the @Page attribute will be overridden.
If you want to update the meta tag content by keeping the old content intact, use following technique-

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.Page.MetaKeywords += " - NewPage key words.";
        this.Page.MetaDescription += " - New Page description.";
And now the markup that gets rendered in the web browser is-

   <title>SEO Demo</title>
   <meta name="description" content="Page description - New Page description."/>
   <meta name="keywords" content="Page key words - NewPage key words." />

Winding Up

So this is really a nice enhancement in ASP.NET 4.0 that provide us more flexibilities in defining meta tag contents.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Script# allows programming against the DHTML DOM APIs and JavaScript APIs, as well as Silverlight 1.0 script API. The compiler itself isn’t coupled to any one particular framework. You can use Script# to program against Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax as well as other 3rd party frameworks such as ExtJS (via Ext#). At the same time, the compiler is complemented by an optional ScriptFX framework, which is a small framework built using Script# itself. Finally, if you have existing scripts, they can be imported and then used from new C# code so you don’t have to rewrite everything from scratch to start using Script#.

Scripts generated using Script# are honest-to-goodness plain old JavaScript files, that you can freely deploy into your applications, and there is no runtime dependency on the Script# compiler. You will need .NET 2.0+ and/or Visual Studio on your development machine. You can also use Visual C# Express which is available for free.

Productivity and better tooling are primary motivators behind Script#. At the same time, a fundamental design tenet and driving philosophy behind the design of Script# is to produce script that resembles hand-written script that is aware and faithful to the script runtime environment found in browsers. Specifically the compiler does not introduce unnecessary layers of abstraction or indirection. The idea is you’re simply writing script in a better and pragmatic way, rather than trying to port a .NET application to the browser, which is more likely to produce impractical results.

What you can build with Script# ProjectAjax Applications – Script# allows you to implement the Ajax code for your pages and mashups using a choice of frameworks. (see tutorial)
Ajax Frameworks and Components – Script# allows you to create reusable script libraries and components that can be consumed during further application development using either Script# or via direct JavaScript as well.
ASP.NET Ajax Server Controls – Script# can be used to develop script libraries containing components such as controls and behaviors that can then be embedded into server controls and control extenders.
Sidebar Gadgets – Script# can be used to program gadgets for Windows Vista by referencing the Gadget APIs, RSS Feed APIs and File System APIs in addition to the default DHTML DOM APIs. (see tutorial)

Script# Roadmap
The Script# project has been an on-going piece of work. The following are on the list for a v1 release during 2009 beyond what is available in the current and latest build:

Unit testing support
jQuery support
High priority bug fixes and improved Visual Studio integration
Longer term, there are a number of additional features on the roadmap such as:

Support for generics
Support for static linking and other script optimizations
Support for additional script APIs and scenarios
Besides features, the plan is to open source the Script# project following the v1 release

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cloud Computing - Architecture

A cloud computing platform enables applications to be hosted in an Internet-accessible virtual environment that supplies the necessary hardware, software, network, and storage capacities and provides for security and reliability, removing much of the burden of purchasing and maintaining hardware and software in-house. In the cloud, you can develop, deploy, and manage applications as you have in the past and integrate these services to your on-premise applications. You pay only for the time, resources, and capacity you use while scaling up to accommodate the changing business needs.
In this article, I will examine the typical cloud platform architecture and some common architectural patterns, along with their implementation on the Windows Azure offering from Microsoft.

For more info..